Thursday, October 30, 2014

Just Some Thoughts

I read an online article not too long ago that gave me some things to think about regarding why someone may not want to become vegan. I have never been one to push my lifestyle or beliefs on anyone; I am simply here to encourage and offer support if they do decide to lead a vegan lifestyle. Just this past week, I have been able to do just that because my younger sister decided to become a vegetarian for ethical and health reasons, like I did over one year ago. But the article that I read gave reasons against such a lifestyle, saying, "If we did not milk cows, they would explode," and "farmers would lose their jobs if we were all vegan," and my personal favorite, "animals do not have feelings."

I am a very open-minded individual, so I took the time to think about these arguments. I do agree that cows should be milked in order to live and that farmers would lose their jobs. However, I think it is wrong to say that animals do not have feelings because if the writer of that article had watched even one documentary on the food industry, they would see the pain that animals go through, and feeling pain is most definitely feeling.

The problem with these arguments is that this person, and probably some others against veganism, blatantly say that all vegans think everyone else should become a vegan too. Speaking for myself, I can say that this is not the case. Of course it makes me happy every time someone says to me, "I want to become a vegetarian," or, "I think it's cool that you're vegan," because they are showing interest in my lifestyle that I feel passionately about. But this does not mean my ultimate goal as a vegan is to convert everyone that I meet, as if it's some meat-free-egg-free dark side and I try to lure people by saying, "C'mon, we have dairy-free cookies!" My ultimate goal is only to make a difference with the life I've been given, and help to educate people who ask to be educated.

I truly believe not being a part of the harming of animals, not being responsible for another living being's life, is the most compassionate way to live. I applaud anyone who chooses to do the same.


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