Thursday, September 25, 2014

Why Should You Try Going Vegan?

Yes, you've probably heard that a vegan diet is both healthy and hard to do. So why should you make the switch to a healthier lifestyle? Here are my top five reasons:

1. Eating meat doesn't make you healthier. 
There is no proof that a person must eat meat to be healthy. In fact, eating red meats can cause more health issues than not.

2. Eating a plant-based diet makes you feel great.
It only takes 21 days to form a new habit. Before I became a vegan, I had no idea how out of shape, unhealthy, and tired I was. Eating only what your body needs gives you more energy.

3. We can feed more people with the plants we feed to animals to produce meat.
We could feed approximately 1.3 billion people with the grain we use to feed livestock each year. Think about all those people in third-world countries we could be feeding instead.

4. A vegan diet is an easy way to lose weight.
Though not all vegans eat all healthy food, it is likely that your metabolism will get faster, and you will lose all the extra weight you have gotten use to.

5. You'll wonder why you didn't start sooner.
We don't know what we've been missing until we discover it for ourselves. Being a vegan has allowed me to lose seven pounds without trying, become more energetic, get better sleep, become inspired to workout daily, and encourage others to educate themselves about leading a healthier lifestyle.


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