Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Welcome to the VegFit blog!

Almost one year ago on October 1, 2013, I watched a YouTube video that changed my outlook on life. I was assigned to present an informational speech in my college communications class. I had no idea what my speech was going to be about, but I was currently on a health-kick and was always curious why a person would be motivated to become a vegetarian. So, I searched YouTube and it took me about ten seconds to find hundreds of videos that clearly illustrated why. 

The first video I found was filmed in Somalia, on a cattle farm. There was a run-down shack, where two older women could be seen cooking. A pig ran into the frame, skidding on the dirt earth, followed by two young men. One of the young men grabbed hold of the pig forcefully, while the other grabbed a long metal rod. A young girl could be hear laughing from behind the camera as the pig was held down, and the rod was placed carefully over it's neck. I watched in horror as one man stood on one end of the rod, the other man on the other end. The pig's windpipe was broken, but it's body still wiggling. A bucket of water was then placed in the shot, and the pig was held under water until slowly, it stopped moving altogether.

I was personally effected by the video and shocked that anyone could laugh and film something so arguably inhumane. From that moment on, I have not been able to look at lunch meat or a hamburger the same way. To me, murder is murder.  

Even though I have adopted a vegetarian lifestyle, I have made it a personal goal never to judge someone for eating meat, and I never force my beliefs on anyone. After all, I was dipping shrimp into cocktail sauce and ordering double cheeseburgers at McDonald's less than a year ago. All I want to do is show people the facts, and be a voice of encouragement for those who are interested in the vegetarian community. I am also excited to announce that only two weeks ago, I committed to a vegan lifestyle! 

I am thrilled to be able to share my new journey as a vegan with you, as well as tell you about my experiences as a vegetarian for the past year, encourage you to lead a healthy lifestyle, show you delicious vegan recipes I plan to try, and show you videos that just may change your life as well. All I ask is that you keep an open mind and enjoy the VegFit blog!


Below are a couple videos that I hope will allow you to understand why vegans choose to lead a life free of animal cruelty. 

The first video is a project that was conducted in a public shop window in England to illustrate what animal testing looks like, using a human artist to convey the experiments. It is not very graphic, but it is a clever way to raise awareness on the matter. It starts out a little questionable, but give it a chance! You will not forget the visuals of this experiment. 

The second video is narrated by Olivia Munn, an American actress and vegetarian for PETA. This video shows animal cruelty that includes video footage of animals in piles that closely resembles the Holocaust. If you have a weak stomach, do not watch this video. Unless you want it to change your life.


  1. I agree, videos like that are hard to watch. I am not a vegetarian, nor do I plan to become one, but I believe there is a right and a wrong way to kill animals for the use of food. I love to cook and am looking forward to reading your upcoming recipes as I am always looking to try new things!

  2. In one of my communication classes a lady showed us some very disturbing videos about how meat was processed and how animals were being tortured. Honestly it broke my heart and made me sick to my stomach. Unfortunately, I come from a family that eats a lot of meat, so I still am eating it. I try very hard not to think about the videos I seen because they were very disturbing. For me, Fast food is a hard thing to break because of the convenience. I admire the fact that you were vegetarian and now are becoming vegan. I think it is awesome that you have the strength to make a lifestyle change like that. I wish you the best of luck in becoming vegan and I may even try some of your recipes out!

  3. Videos can be life changing. It all depends on how you view them and take them with you. I am not vegetarian or vegan, but just as you are, I am open to other walks of life. There are people out there who not necessarily "ruin" the image for others but they do not make the image seem any better. I look forward to learning new recipes from you!

  4. I commend you on your decision to take on the vegan lifestyle! I've heard from friends that are vegans that it can be difficult when you first start out. I honestly don't think I'd have the will power to do it! I look forward to seeing recipes that you post on you blog!
